In a hope to earn dollars; many people start their blogging journey and dream to be a millionaire all of a sudden with minimal (or possibly no) effort in a magical way. However, a large chunk of such people fail to earn what they thought from their blogs through Google AdSense or any other ads related money making stream and become a part of hopeless army of internet.
What are the reasons for a blog failing to make any money? Why some bloggers fly in the skies but some others fail even to creep on earth? In this post; I am going to talk about some of the key reasons for a blog failing to earn money through Adsense.
Lack of Consistency
The biggest reason of failure of any blog in reaching to a level where it can generate revenue is the lack of consistency at the blogger side.Remember that Rome was not built in a day. Same way; If a blogger thinks that overnight his blog with just a handful of posts will become a source of attraction for the entire world; that’s nothing but a mad’s dream.
The biggest secret of successful blogging is consistency and continuity in your blog postings. Blogs with regular updates not only become a prime choice of visitors but also manage to gain a good reputation (in terms of ranking) in the search engines which results in a grown stream of traffic from organic, direct as well as referral means.
Whatever is the subject area you are blogging in; write on different ideas revolving around it with a focus on the keywords that you are targeting.
Your blog should be a mix of a variety of content types to attract people with varying tastes. It should have text based posts as well as relevant pictures, videos etc. so that It becomes a strong ground on the subject area.
If you don’t work consistently on your blog and your blog becomes dormant; you will not only lose search engines ranking but also the trust of your blog visitors as no one likes out-dated stuff.
A Poor Idea
What you are blogging about matters. The idea at which your blog is based needs to be strong; relevant; innovative and catchy. Many people start a blog on some idea which doesn’t have a large potential visitor base and they end up getting very less traffic and fail to earn any money from the blog. Similarly; many people start blogging on some very generic idea where some major giants are already blogging and they fail to compete with such big names and end up like the voice of a kid in a crowd.When deciding an idea for your blog; following questions are important:
- How unique is the idea?
- Who are the competitors already blogging on same idea?
- How to differentiate from the competitors?
- What is the niche? And what are futures prospects in that niche area?
- Who are the target audiences? Global or some region specific?
Wrong Placement of Ads
Proper structuring of your blog and a clever approach for placement of Ads is crucial to get maximum clicks and impressions for your ads. Many people fail to earn good enough money from their blogs despite the fact that they have high traffic just because of wrong placement of Ads.Ads must be placed in prominent locations in such a way that they don’t affect the readability of the blog but still manage to gain clicks.
Types of Ads to be placed in your blog are also important. A good mix of different ad types (e.g. leaderboard, Box ads, Link Ads etc.) should be considered keeping in mind the theme of your blog.